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Cherokee Art Market Thoughts

Happy October!

This last weekend was the Cherokee Art Market at the Hard Rock Casino and Resort, and it was fun even with not many sales. I was really impressed with the staff at the Cherokee Art Market. They were super helpful and I loved the fact my mother and I could pull up to the entrance, and they were more than happy to help us. The CAM staff even helped us carry in my gear and artwork to my booth. The amenities were great and like I said I was really impressed.

I appreciate my family for helping as well. My mother, step-dad, brother, husband, and mother-in-law all came up to enjoy the market and the casino entertainment, and of course help me at my booth. Ran into fellow artist friends, and made new artist friends. It was great to see friends come over to see me at the market. I received some offers for potential art showings, but need to look more into it.

I really enjoyed the Cherokee Art Market, but sales were not great. It was really slow sales wise, but as said before the market staff was great. Makes me wonder what could be changed to let more people of Tulsa know about this market. I do congratulate the winners of the market, and for them winning with their amazing artwork. One really exciting thing was I made an awesome trade for clothing by Penny Singer, a Navajo clothing design. Definitely loved her clothing and recommend all my followers to follower her on social media.

It was great to talk to fellow artists, and make some new artist friends. The market may have been slow but it allowed me to visit and network with other people. I did find another artist and found out her husband worked for my uncle on the Navajo reservation! Those types of interactions does put the phrase "small world" into perspective, like spiderweb all our paths cross in some shape or form and we don't even know it yet.

Overall it was a good weekend. Won some money gambling which is nice. Got to spend time with my family. Talked to and met new and familiar artist friends. It seems I have a break to get some work done between now and January when my next solo exhibition will be. I may attend one or two smaller winter markets so I will keep everyone

posted. Next step is to get ready for my solo show with the Tulsa Artist Guild that accepted my proposal for the solo exhibition. I am looking forward to it and the challenge to have some new pieces that will go with the proposal and with my current body of work.

For now I will be working hard at the Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art and I am looking forward to having some studio time!

Amber L. DuBoise-Shepherd

Sometimes when the market is slow you gotta weave the time away!

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