It is finally Fall again, and I am ready for cooler temperatures. If you don’t know Fall is my favorite time of year. I was speaking with a friend of mine, and we chatted about how we both love Fall but we feel like we don’t get to spend enough time admiring the season. I believe it is because of how commercialized the start of the fall holidays is into December with Christmas. There is also all the school events, extracurricular activities, and hunting season that fill up people’s schedule and it feels like we are competing for attendance numbers. I feel as if there are so many events crammed into a few short months, and it makes me feel as if I am missing a bunch of things, but it may be because there is this huge commercialization of the holidays starting with Halloween. I do enjoy the decorations, the pumpkins, the spice lattes, and the spooky vibes. But I do feel to over stimulated and overwhelmed with so much going on. I believe this Fall I may try to escape and spend sometimes outside and enjoy the changing of the leaves. Though that is hard in the state of Oklahoma, as it feels like summer still, and then we get one or two weeks of actual fall, and then winter and summer air begins to fight again in our state. Last year it was almost 80 degrees on Christmas, which really didn’t feel like a wintery Christmas. And the year before that there was an ice storm the last week of October. We may have more warmer weather during the Christmas season, but then the last two years in January – April we had some weird winter weather with temps plummeting to almost the negatives, which is so unusual for our area. I have never seen it or felt it that cold, but the snow was beautiful. I am hoping I can get out and get a hot latte and me and my hubby can spend some time wandering out somewhere.
As I look at my Fall schedule though I do have some events coming up, and I trust if you are feeling up to it can join me and come out and see me and my artwork. Even though I am inviting you, I do think everyone needs to take one weekend each month from October to December to do something you enjoy by yourself or with someone close to you (your furry friends count as a close companion to!). Enjoy the actual season and look at nature and see how our world is changing as it feels we don’t get to appreciate it. But for those of you that are interested in seeing me, you can come up to the Cherokee Art Market, which will be at the Hard Rock Casino, in Catoosa, OK from October 8th and 9th. I will be set up in my booth and have various original art pieces available. Come out and see me and all the other wonderful Native Artists. It’s a great market, and you could get some early Christmas shopping done!
If you are not able to make it up to the Cherokee Art Market, you can come out to the Exhibit C Gallery in Bricktown, in OKC, on October 15th from 4pm - 6pm for the closing reception for the “Heartwork: Artistry by Modern First American Women”. I may be up at the Red Earth Fall Festival just a few blocks away at the Botanical Gardens, which is the same day, and then be at the closing reception. If you are going to the Red Earth Fall Fest, you can swing by and say hi! That is currently what is upcoming for the month of October.
This past September I have six 11” x 17” comic panels on fine art paper up at Literati Press Bookstore in the Paseo Arts District. I created the beginning pages of a possible pilot comic called “Monster Slayers: Legends” and it is set in the 1860s on original Navajo Land. I was very excited to hear my comic was accepted for the “Comics as Art” Exhibition. I was late to get the info up on the website since it ends at the end of September, but it was a neat opportunity, and it was a learning process for sure to create and design the art and story. It is still a work in progress so I trust more can come from this new art form. I have a lot of art that are works in progress and am going to spend time getting inventory up and get some new pieces started from small to large. Be sure to follow me on social media to see weekly art updates. Also feel free to drop by my online shop and check out my smaller pieces. Happy Fall, and Happy Halloween to everyone!
