What a strange time for all of us. First I would like to send out good vibes and I trust that everyone is staying healthy and safe. I have been doing good, just been super busy, surprisingly with my work at the museum, as well as in the studio. Mostly been working from home which has been great, and its been a good time to bond with our German Shepherd puppy. He's still ornery and playful, and this week he is going to vet to get the 'snips snips'. As his trainer and others have told us it should help calm him a bit. He has tendency to guard us which is great, but not so great for our local bikers and runners. We have been sitting with him on the porch and working on getting him used to our neighbors, which is starting to work thankfully but we all still need to work toward the goal!
I started some new pieces and finished a couple of new pieces last week. Check out my portfolio for the new pieces! For the time being our museum is working on our virtual content. We are also closed until possibly the beginning of June. For now I am in a brainstorming period for my work. For my studio I am still submitting to shows and working on new pieces, which has been awesome.
Also I made time to work on getting my flower garden ready to go for the spring into summer period! It has been a year in the making with ripping out the weeds, as well as digging up the previous stones and reorganizing them. But I finally got the garden all set up and ready. Also my husband has been working hard at clearing out brush around our home. It has all been worth it to see a beautiful garden and a trimmed up yard.
My flowers I planted in the last week are all ready starting to bloom pretty well. I hope I can keep them fed and watered well to grow! It was fun to plant and research the flowers so I can properly take care of them. If you follow me on Instagram or my Facebook page I will be posting photos to my stories.
As for myself I have been doing great. Many art shows and exhibitions have either gone virtual, been postponed, or canceled. Even though this is sad it does give me time to work on new pieces with out feeling to rushed. It's definitely been a balancing act with family, studio time, and work. With my new planner I purchased I can keep better track of it and my time frame.
Over the next month, we all will see how things play out with states opening up. I just trust that people are considerate of each other, and take proper precautions. I think some do feel the need to get back to work to provide for their families, but there are others who have a high risk of becoming ill and its just this awful middle ground we have to find, and determine what risks we must all be willing to take. I just trust that things will begin to get better and not worst. For the next several months I am still going to wear my mask to help protect others!
Again I wish everyone the best, and I trust the Creator is with us and helps us at this time.
Take care!
